Tuesday, April 10, 2007

So, I haven't post in a while indeed.

What happend lately, I quit school, officialy, gave back the books, got some moneys back, and got a full-time job, not as a butcher, surpisingly. I Still work in a supermarket, it's temporarily till I'm sure what I'm going to do. I work from 7 to 1 daily, and evenings after that from time to time, so yes it's quite a tough job, but hey, I'm glad I have one.
Things I would like to do and where I'm thinking about:

Take care of old people.

So yea, I'm pretty multifunctional, but heck, I'm not easy ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

In response to Tiger's post.

In response to Tiger.

He didn't bankrupt anyone, infact, he never did.
When everyone goes all-in, there is not much tactic in the game is there? So you won, good for you, no big deal.

So, don't honor yourself to much, since I played 2 people bankrupt on Texas Hold 'em, and was mister nice guy to give them there moneys back cause else it would get boring.
So basicly, I was the champion in Texas Hold 'em.

Next game the 5 card poker, is ok, but to much of a gamble game for me, no tactic involved.


So, the weather has turned worse again, it's grey... OH NOES! So I'll be posting on this thingy again... It's like a diary, I heard women love sensitive men... But what I don't get is what does a diary have to do with being sensitive, if your a good diary writer the women will never read it, and what if you wrote:


Today I looked at jennifers tush, I went to the toilet and came on the door knob, big fun! LOL!


My cable television shut down today, which means I couldn't watch my german porno...


Jennifer said I was sexy, thank god she doesn't know I do it all for the sex.

I Was wondering that last night as I couldn't sleep and decided to play some poker at www.partypoker.com, big fun, I ended with lots of money and lost it 5 seconds ago :)

So, I finnaly quit school, I told them what was going on, they told me I was a bastard, I told them they weren't quite right, and that's about all that had happend, so I took off, knowing that I closed the 'School' book in my career, no more 5 day in a week school, from now on I'll have to work till I'm 65, and do some educations on side of my job... Pretty intense? I Don't want to think about it, infact, I'll commit suicide when I get 30 and my sack starts to hang, so hey! I'll be retiring in 12 years from now, w00h00, can hardly wait.

Just to be serious for a sec, I'm gonna be a butcher or a manager of a company, sounds interesting? Maybe...

The last thing I'd like to say that Command And Conquer fucking fails, allthough I'm addicted to the online modus, trying to improve my strategy every time again, it's a great online game as long as it WORKS. I've let BF2 behind me for a while, I can't focus on 2 games at the same time, and command and conquer got my fulla ttention and might get some future clan attention...

So that's about it for today folks, enjoy your day, your evening, have a jolly easter and go suck off a horse.


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Today's day...

The weather in the Netherlands is truely great at the moment, after 4 months of grey sky, the sun is shining! The summer is coming! About time, the winter weather got me depressed, I even sat in the garden for like 4 hours yesterday.

Next to the weather, things are going quite smooth, I organised a poker tournament tonight, quite fun. My girlfriend slept over last night. Etc.

Not real much to say, except that my life is going quite smooth at the moment.
Command And Conquer 3 has been patched again, 2 times in a 2 day release, go EA, well at least it works quite ok now, that made a smile on my face.

I'll post again later tonight or tommorow morning, not much to say at the moment.


Friday, March 30, 2007

EA, and us?

EA Sucks

Electronic Arts. We all know this big time company that currently has a monopoly on the gaming industry and while their name might have been correct when they first started the company, it sure as hell isn't anymore. Because let's see what the dictionary has to say about a piece of 'art'.

The quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

Now, if we take some of EA's latest games such as Battlefield 2, Battlefield 1242 and Command & Conquer 3 do they really fit that term?
The games are... graphically okay but nothing what I would call 'beautiful'. Don't get me wrong, C&C 3 looks great for a video game, so does BF2 and 2142, but looking great is something different then artistic beauty. The concept art for these games, now that is something that can be qualified as a pieces of beauty.
Appealing? Not in the very least are any games EA has brought out lately appealing. Unless you get off on your game crashing every 2 minutes, hot-fixes being released before the game even hits the stores and an online mode that expects YOU to sort your internet connection fit the game instead of the other way around, then no. No-one with half a brain would call any EA game appealing for usability.
And last, are EA games more significant then let's say, Sierra, Valve, Maxis, Westwood, Oddworld or any other publisher? Hell no. In fact in 90% of the cases all these companies do a much better job at making games then EA ever could. At least they TEST their games before they release them and actually listen to what the community has to say about it.
Conclusion; the term 'Arts' in the company name is a disgrace for all artists out there. It tortures the meaning of the word 'art' since their games are FAR from being a piece of art. EA has to be the worst games publisher/developer the world has ever come to know. There are very few other companies that would use a consumer's desires and then smack them in the face with it while they take your money right out of your wallet, because that's the only thing EA is good at. They always had a reputation for being money hungry bastards but their latest accomplishment has to be the best one yet.

They are actually having the nerve to create a game where the user is not allowed to pick a language. The only language available is the language of the country the game is distributed in. In my case that would be The Netherlands. But thats not the stupid part, the nerve wrecking but also hilarious part is that if you want the English version (and a lot of gamers prefer a game to be in plain English, especially a native English game like C&C) you have to pay an additional 20 bux. So to sum up, you already pay a good 60 quid to buy a game which is not only unstable from the start, is loaded with bugs and won't even install if you're halfway unlucky, but they also have the GUTS to charge an additional 20 dollars for a language pack the game was originally designed for?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!! Of all the stunts EA has ever pulled, this one has to be the biggest and most retarded I have ever seen! To everyone reading this I suggest: If you're not a 100% certain if a game from EA is going to entertain you for more then 60 hours then don't buy it, download it instead. Games and their cracks (believe it or not) are usually posted on sites like Isohunt mere hours after the release anyway. Help the cause against the Evil Alliance and download/spread their games illegally. Your efforts are appreciated!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How is life on the 28th of March?

Call me a bitch and fuck bambi.... This must have been the absolute worse morning in like 6 months. I Couldn't wake up at all, I had a serious conversation with my parents last night, and I drank some beer.
The're all about making appointments about my future which won't help much at the moment since I do not know what I want to do myself in the future.
Well pretty much, they gave me the green light for quiting my current school, finnaly....
I Have to pay for things myself now at home, pretty intense according to them, the only thing that's added to the last that I already had to pay for myself is that I have to pay for my own insurance company, well sure, fuck them.
My parents don't support me in this matter, which makes it quite hard for me to build on a future.

Current future prospect:
Quit school tommorow/today
Start working in 2 weeks
Hope on a education with my job

The rest is blanco which offcourse gives me some stress, but I'm still young.

Also not to forget, yesterday I picked up Command and Conquer 3 at the stores, it's about time they released it, I hate EA, they have qualities to fuck everything up, and no this is no specially refered at C&C Generals.
I've found some small negative aspects on C&C-3 but the most of the game sounds like improvement, EA might have learned from there mistakes....
I Started the campaign with the bad people <Nod> offcourse, it's the most challenging side imo.

Well that's about it for today, I'll get dressed give my dear friend TigerXtrm a call to wake his goddamn ass up.

Things to do for today:
Get Dressed/Get showered
Wake up Tiger
Wait for my dear girlfriend
Hang out with Tiger and teh girl
MAYBE go to the gym

And that's about the plannin for today.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Neo's life 27/03/07.

Well I'll start with introducing my life, who I am and why I think I'm good for mankind.

I'm Neo, and no, I do not like the matrix at all, I've been born in california, after 2-3 months my parents have decided to move to Holland, the cold cold Holland... God will smite them down someday for that...
Suddenly they realised that Neo was a racisistic comment here in dutchland, so they changed my name to Sander, happy me offcourse now I won't get beating from every black guy I told my name hehe.

Shortly after this I turned dutch, with a double nationality, I'm now 18 years of age, and I've never ever returned to california again, simply cause I don't have the money and mostly cause my grandad seems to be rasistic himself.
So where was I? I was 3 months, and got a double nationality, offcourse I was jumping up and down in my bed, cause I could smoke weed and drink beer here in holland, and not to mention I was only 3 months of age! Lol, just kidding.
After this my dad had a very busy life, I must have seen him like once a month on a evening, my mother took care of me most of the time, I went to kinder garden, met some females, but I wasn't interested in them at all, my love was for G.I Joe and the turtles, infact I still have lots of these action figures saved up, batman, G.I Joe, Turtles, ghost busters, Spawn, spiderman, rocket man etc... Pretty cool I still saved that up...
When I reached the age of 5 my parents decided to move out from there parents and decided to move from Amsterdam to a smaller town called Hilversum.
I Don't remember much from my time in Amsterdam, just that there are a lot of criminals there... And nightclubs on friday and saturday evenings... We must have lived above a club or something..
I Had a good time here in Hilversum, a good child hood, didn't contact the police a lot, well I did sometime, but that was cause I shot some footballs through windows.
Thats when I come to the point where I reached a bigger career in playing football, I moved from a small local club to a national famous youth club. I Won't be putting a lot of attention on this part of my life in this blog.
Shortly what happend, when I reached the age of 15, I broke my enckle and the doctors adviced me not to ever play again, I'm still suffering from this injury.

So I when I reached 12 my parents decided to move from a rent house to a 'buy' house, it was newly build, we got the chance to buy the house, and so they did, it was being build, and shortly after that we moved in, it was a house about 3-4 kilometres away from my old house.
A Lot of stuff have changed ever since, I met my best friend, TigerXtrm in that time, but he seemed to be the only friend I made, and considering his home situation this was like half a friend at that time, no hard feelings but when you know the situation you'll understand.

My parents bought a computer when I was 6 yrs, and I got command and conquer from my uncle back in that day , the first part, and when I was 13, I was still playing the damn game, I've never finished it.

I Went to school, same class as TigerXtrm, I had a very high IQ level, but I missed the disciplinaire points, so they decided to put me on average level, which in the end was a big mistake. I Made some criminal friends in that time, and since school was to easy for me, I had time to focus on criminal stuff, my grades were quite good, nothing to worry about, I started using drugs, get in contact with the police a lot blabla.

I'll make a big step from to my early 17th age.
In the meantime TigerXtrm has always been my best friend, he never got seduced by my drugs and helped me from getting off it.

When I turned 17th, I had my exams for my school, pretty massive that I made them, since I didn't even know what the subjects were before I came to school....
I Made my exams, got happy blablabla.
After these exams I met a girl, via my nephew, she was on his school and they had a love hate relation (not in the love way)
I Got here MSN adress, and on the webcam she looked very hot, I said to myself, unreachable, even Tiger saw her on the webcam and said: dude go jack, she's unreachable...
So I still had contact with her, I wasn't interested in girls anyway, but somehow she got attracted to me. I Didn't notice this since I still had the thought of her being out of a my league.
We decided to meet each other, I can't say it was love on first sight since we had seen each other on pictures, but it sort of was. We met each other a week before she went on a 4 week vacation, fully in love, she left.... My heart was broken, I had to trust her but it was so damn hard after 1 week, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep for 4 weeks, Tiger and offcourse my parents were there for me, which I'm still thankfull.
It was the ultimate test for a relation, when she got back, I saw her again and it was all like it used to be the week before, it felt like I knew her for ages, I was so happy, but the next day I had to smove on vacation myself for 10 days, it was a vacation with my sister, my sister is very close to me, for all my 18 years of life I have failed to put her in here yet cause she's family, but me and my sis are very close to each other, she is now 23 and very important for me.
I Didn't enjoy the vacation cause it seemed that I had flight fear, so I kinda fucked up by that, and offcourse cause I missed my girlfriend (Tamara)
I Got back and yes she was still there for me, me happy, she happy, all happy!
I Started a teacher education, yeh some sick braincell thought I had it in me to become a teacher, boy was he wrong, after 6 months it was like: ZOMG NO! DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF IS YOUR PROBLEM BOY!
So I quited that goal after 6 months, I sat at home, and started working at a butcher, after working there for 4 months I went back to school, higher education, the story now reaches it's end, I'm now 18 and a half, and at the story I'm early 18.
I Went on vacation with my girlfriend, which was very exciting cause I never went alone (except with my sis offcourse) it went great, we survived it together and we'll do it again this year.
So I started a new school, I wanted to catch up what I missed, I started with people of the age of 15-16.... and me being 18, you can automaticly see that this won't work, so it's end march now, and I'm looking for a job, I'm still on the school but I'm looking for a job so I can go off from that school asap.
So, I want to be a butcher, I still work as a butcher in weekday evenings, I adore this proffesion, but it's not something I want to do all my life, it would be a waste of my capacities, but for now, it's great to be a butcher, and I hope the future brings me a job.

So this is the end of my life so far, there are 3 very important people in my life that have made me to what I am now, TigerXtrm, we both seem to have the most annoying sense of humor, but can have a serious talk from time to time.
My sister, she just needs a look at me and she know there's something wrong, she's great.
My girlfriend, last on the list but not mentioned, she is the love of my life, I love her and she's very supportive.
And offcourse my parents, but they fail since they have created satan.

Hoped you enjoyed reading this.
